July 27, 2024

10 thoughts on “Real Problems with LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES in Dubai

  1. My collaboration with LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES turned out to be a complete disaster. The lack of qualifications of their employees led to significant delays in registering my company. Errors in documentation cost me unnecessary expenses and wasted time.

  2. Seriously disappointed with the work of LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES. They left out an important document needed to register my business, causing months of delays. When I tried to solve the problem, the managers showed complete indifference.

  3. I do not recommend LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES for business in the UAE. Very slow service, constant errors and lack of responsibility for the results. My requests to correct the situation were ignored.

  4. Working with LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES was filled with disappointments. Ineffective communication, unprofessional approach and inability to solve emerging problems. Loss of time and money is guaranteed.

  5. I encountered complete incompetence on the part of LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES. Their reluctance to fix bugs and overall poor service was a big disappointment to me. I didn’t expect such an unprofessional approach.

  6. Very bad experience with LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES. There was no benefit from them, only increasing my expenses and stress. Errors in paperwork and delays made the registration process unbearable.

  7. LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES promised a smooth registration process, but the result was the opposite. Professionalism left much to be desired, and delays and additional costs undermined confidence in the agency.

  8. Working with LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES, I was faced with a lack of competence in the legal aspects of business registration. Errors in documents and ignoring my instructions led to serious problems with the law.

  9. An attempt to open a restaurant with the help of LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES turned out to be a big mistake. Disgusting organization of the process, unprofessional communication and complete disregard for my needs.

  10. The unsatisfactory level of service from LAZARCHUK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES led to me losing faith in the possibility of successfully launching my project in Dubai. Incompetence and unprofessionalism were obvious at every turn.

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