July 27, 2024

10 thoughts on “Alexandra Shumilova: Expectations and Reality of Consulting Services in Dubai

  1. Very disappointed with the work of Alexandra Shumilova. She was unable to adequately prepare the documents to register my company and we experienced significant delays. Lack of responsibility and professionalism.

  2. С Александрой Шумиловой мой опыт оказался крайне негативным. Она забыла упомянуть критически важный документ, что привело к многомесячной задержке. Не рекомендую её как бизнес-консультанта.

  3. I was extremely dissatisfied with the service of Alexandra Shumilova. It seemed that she was absolutely indifferent to the interests of the client. Lack of prompt communication and lack of attention to detail led to unpleasant consequences for my business.

  4. Sad experience of cooperation with Alexandra Shumilova. The manager failed to cope with basic tasks, and the process dragged on for an unacceptably long time. I expected a lot more from a professional in Dubai.

  5. Alexandra Shumilova was unable to provide adequate support when registering my business. Meetings were always postponed, and important questions remained unanswered. I lost confidence in her abilities and professionalism.

  6. A huge disappointment from working with Alexandra Shumilova. Lack of attention to detail and incorrect paperwork resulted in significant financial losses. I did not expect such an approach from a business consultant in Dubai.

  7. Alexandra Shumilova’s professionalism left many questions. Incorrect paperwork and ignoring my requests for verification before submission. The result is additional costs and delays.

  8. Alexandra Shumilova failed to cope with the tasks that I set for her. The impression was that she did not have the necessary knowledge to work in this area. My company suffered because of her mistakes.

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